Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2009 "Winter Wonderland"

This year’s "Winter Wonderland" toy/canned food drive and Autism information fair was the best one yet!! It was a day of education, empowerment and fun! Families had the opportunity of connecting with other parents affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders.
It is an amazing feeling to see such a big response by the Canoga Park and Autism community. Without our sponsors, this event wouldn’t be possible. A big thank you to them!

Sponsored by Books By Tara
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It really speaks volumes on the Autism community that we can gather around a common cause and help less fortunate families with Autism during the holidays. 36 children and adults with Autism received gifts!! And a delicious meal provided by Andy's Submarine Sandwich's 21311 Sherman Way; Canoga Park, CA 91303.
Phone number 818-347-1350

I very thankful that the Autism community came together and helped make this event possible. I’m so happy to live in a place where the Autism community is supported.

We are 100% volunteer-run and pay the bills through donations and paid services. Please email us for more information on how you can help!

Once again, proceeds of this event will help less fortunate children and adults with Autism in the holidays!

Thank you and Happy Holiday!

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